and with that cold probably came a stuffed up nose you were puzzled to get un-stuffed. so far the only thing available to help were those blue-bulb-y things that just piss off the little one and really don't get the snot out. then my friend juliet (she's a pediatrician) sent me a nosefrida. it's genius. it's a nasal aspirator from sweden and it gets the snot out so effectively and painlessly, i actually look forward to the next time baby bea has a stuffed up nose. well, sort of. how you use it: one end of the tube goes up against baby's nostril--it doesn't go all the way in, but it's angled to fit snugly. from the other end of the hard tube is a filter and then another soft tube with a red mouthpiece at the end. you then use your own suction to literally suck the snot out. don't get grossed out, the snot comes NO WHERE near your mouth. but the joy you get from actually seeing the job being done.
check out their website: http://www.nosefrida.com/. in the states you can buy them at whole foods.
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